-The following program, QuickTutors 95 should have been installed on your computer (if you don't have this program, then just follow the logic of this and the next lesson). You must first load that program into memory. To do this, do the following:
-You will use this program to learn the basic features of Windows 95 which are required to perform any simple to complex operation in Windows 95. This excellent program not only verbally describes how to perform several common tasks in Windows 95, but it also has demonstrations. -From the screen which appears- which is the table of contents- click on the word "QuickTutor Overview" -Then move your mouse to the right to the option named "Play" and click on "Play" -The Tutor will be launched. Click on the next button on the following screens to continue the tutor. Read the introduction to the tutor and how the tutor works. -When the introduction is over, that is, when the screen that says "This QuickTutor demonstrated a brief overview of how a QuickTutor works . . . . . . . "- Click on the button named "QuickCard" -Without reading the details of the card that just appeared on your screen, click on the second button to the left on the menu:
-Follow the following three steps as outlined by this graphic to start up the next tutor. This tutor will give you a tour of the desktop.
-When you have completed this tutor, you will arrive at the following screen:
-Click on QuickCard and you will arrive at the table of contents once again. -Now choose to run "Documents Folder, Using" using the same method that you used to start "Desktop, Touring" [the three steps outlined in the picture] -When you reach the final screen of that tutor, which will appear similar to the picture above, click once again on QuickCard to return to the table of contents. You will use this method each time you complete a tutor. -Run "Explorer, Using". -When completed, return to table of contents (toc) [by clicking on the QuickCard button!] and run "Files and Folder . . . ."
-When completed, return to toc and run "My Computer, Using"
-When completed, return to toc and run "Right Click, Using"-pay particular attention to this tutor, it will become very useful later on!!!! -When completed, return to toc and run "shortcuts to files, creating". When you reach the following screen, choose "Let Me"
You will be led through a second and more common and useful way of creating a shortcut onto the desktop area. Then, you will reach a screen where it will give you the options to click on QuickCard, Finish or back. Click on QuickCard and you should get the following screen:
Follow the four directions on the screen. For the forth direction, choose the browse button and follow the following directions. Note: If you don't understand any of the four directions, then click on the red or green words to get a description or demonstration of what those words mean. 1.
3. An alternate way of assigning the shortcut's file is to do the following:
5. You will then receive this screen. Complete the following steps-
The new shortcut will appear on your desktop. -Continue with the last tutor of that section by clicking on the table of contents icon once again from the QuickCard menu. Run the last tutor of that section, "Taskbar, Using". When you have completed with that tutor, you should click on "finish" instead of the QuickCard button. -You will then be prompted with the following screen:
Click on "Quit Now" to exit the program. You will then return to your desktop screen and you will be able to notice how you now have a new icon on your desktop on the left side of your screen named "Teach Me Windows 95". If you were to double click on this icon, then you would restart the program without going through the start menu to start the program as you had to do originally to start the program, as described in the opening steps of this lesson. Instead of starting the program, you will learn one more new feature of Windows 95 before continuing with the beginner topics included with QuickTutors. This feature is used in the following case:
Start Microsoft Word by going to the start menu- to programs- to Microsoft Programs- To Microsoft Word and click on Microsoft Word (The procedure on your computer for starting this program as well as many other programs which will be discussed later, you might have to use a slightly different procedure for starting the program). Microsoft Word will then start.
In word, click on file Then click on Open
You will then get the following screen:
After clicking on the "up one level" button, you will get the following screen- Note: once again you may not have the same file names or directories as listed in these pictures!
After clicking on C:, find and click the directory called "My Documents" in order to list the files underneath that directory. This is shown below:
You now have a listing of the files in this directory. If you have any files listed currently, then you can double click on that file and it will be loaded and opened into Microsoft Word. This is how you would open a file in Microsoft Word, either from the My Documents directory, or by browsing through your hard drive or floppy disk to open or locate any file or directory. You can now exit Microsoft Word by choosing exit from the file menu. If you wish to shut down your computer then choose shut down from the start menu otherwise continue to use and explore the features of Windows 95. |