Mark Pettersen


For those who have been visitors since I first went on line with a web site in February 1997, thanks for keeping up on things.  Keep in touch and check back when you can!
And if you're concerned about security please use!

Babylon 5A site dedicated to a science fiction TV show, Babylon 5; old site kept here.
BusinessA collection of computer information that can be used as a computer knowledgebase that may save you some time or work.
FacebookIf you are a member, you can find me here.
Jehovah WitnessHave you experienced possible citizen harassment by a religious entity?  Review this and help take action!
PersonalMy current personal web site available to you, details for those of you who have wondered about the person on the other side.
 Assorted local Car Shows and gatherings; in descending order (1st Monday through 5th Sunday, as an example)
 Most recent vehicle video!
Any items For Sale by myself or others
 And you can follow me at YouTube for my videos
Speed TestFrom, a fast way to ascertain what your current download and upload speeds are.

Official PayPal Seal 
American flag blowing in the wind. Arkansas state flag, on flagpole, blowing in the wind.

Send mail to webmaster at (insert an "at" symbol) with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright 2001-2024 Pettersen's Computers
Last modified: July 20, 2024